Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The Loop

The Loop: "

The first time I heard a successful loop, I was standing in The Backyard with a protective body behind me. Damien Rice was onstage performing his last song. He would play a bit, press the pedal, and the bit would play over again and again and again. While the bit played he would play another bit or sing a different bit, hit the pedal, and again the bit would play. He did this again and again until the entire venue in which I was standing was reverberating with the sounds of this loop, this steady stream of song, that seemed to echo every emotion, every thought, every passing feeling of mine. I leaned backwards into that protective body and cried with the overall beauty of the moment.

Since then I have discovered many other successful loops. Although undoubtedly more impressive live, these loops are still enjoyable in their recorded form.

mp3 Mimicking Birds- The Loop
So aptly named. I actually saw them perform this song live at Ram's Head in Baltimore when they were opening for Modest Mouse. It was the first time I heard the band and this song took my breath away.

mp3 CocoRosie- Noah's Ark
I originally posted on this sisterly duo four years ago. Pretty much every CocoRosie song involves heavy looping, but this is my favorite example.

mp3 The Faint- Agenda Suicide
The Faint uses looping in every song as well, but the construction of the beat is especially nicely presented in this song.

mp3 Hot Chip- Playboy
There are so many looped elements in this song, including the despondently sung chorus, it makes the perfect example of successful looping.

mp3 Ratatat- Lex
Coming to Austin, Monday, September 27, Ratatat is one of my favorite bands of all time and Lex is one of my favorite Ratatat songs of all time.

mp3 Tupac Shakur- Fucked Up (Hurricane Mix feat. Thom Yorke)
Such a great mash-up. Looped beat, looped riff, looped Radiohead lead singer backing up the best rapper of all time.

Check out my other, personal blog, You Army. Latest post also entitled 'The Loop.'

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Evernote Podcast #21 – The Trunkcast

Evernote Podcast #21 – The Trunkcast: "

Podcast MP3 | iTunes | Audio feed | Length: 57mins

Podcast #21 topics

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We’ve set up a voicemail box just for you. Call us and tell us how you use Evernote-–don’t forget to tell us your name and where you’re from. We’ll choose the best ones and play them in our podcast. Call +1 (347) 497-3572 and leave a message.

Any questions?

Have a question you’d like us to cover in a future podcast? Leave it in the comments section or send a tweet with the hashtag #EvernotePodcast.


Comic for August 30, 2010

EPISODE 102 - The Vienna Vegetable Orchestra

EPISODE 102 - The Vienna Vegetable Orchestra: "The Word Man was Originally Gender Neutral
Arctic Rocks May Contain Oldest Remnants of Earth
Robot to Explore Mysterious Tunnels in Great Pyramid
First Car Invented
The Vienna Vegetable Orchestra
When Will Neptune Complete Its First Orbit Since Discovery
Vaccine Hope Tasmanian Devil Dies from Cancer
Man in Nagano Computes Value of pi to 5 trillion Digits
Charles Darwins Experiment on Ascension Isle
Statue of Liberty - Panatiâ??s Book Reading
Scientist Create Dry Water
The Flying Saucers of America
Word Detective"

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