Tuesday, June 1, 2010
ARM9-based $100 Android tablets to light up Computex
ARM9-based $100 Android tablets to light up Computex: "Next week at Computex, Via Technologies' WonderMedia Technologies subsidiary will demonstrate low-cost Android-based tablets based on the ARM9-based, 600MHz WonderMedia Prizm processor and related 'SmartTouch' reference designs. The tablets will be manufactured by a variety of Chinese manufacturers, and sold for as low as $100 in the U.S. later this year, says Bloomberg."
The RUB Chopper
The RUB Chopper: "
The RUB Chopper comes with working smoker attached at the side, made by Orange County Chopper, for R..(more...)
"Talking Out Loud Improves Memory Retention [Mind Hacks]
Talking Out Loud Improves Memory Retention [Mind Hacks]: "
Libraries are quiet places because people are often concentrating intensely, but according to a recent paper, muttering to yourself and talking about things out loud helps improve your memory and the knowledge that you retain. More »
Memory - Hardware - Components - Knowledge Management - Memory Improvement"
Libraries are quiet places because people are often concentrating intensely, but according to a recent paper, muttering to yourself and talking about things out loud helps improve your memory and the knowledge that you retain. More »
Memory - Hardware - Components - Knowledge Management - Memory Improvement"
3D Projections on Buildings
3D Projections on Buildings: "
3D Projections on Buildings from NuFormer Projection.
eye candy... named a top 100 Architecture Blog, included in MOPO 2008 and 2009, published in Architectural Review, The Architects Journal, Architect Magazine and featured on the Australian radio show: 'The Architects'.
eye candy... named a top 100 Architecture Blog, included in MOPO 2008 and 2009, published in Architectural Review, The Architects Journal, Architect Magazine and featured on the Australian radio show: 'The Architects'.
What Your Email Address Says About Your Computer Skills [Humor]
What Your Email Address Says About Your Computer Skills [Humor]: "
This chart justifies all your fears regarding Yahoo! and AOL users. And then some.
Reprinted with permission from Matthew Inman aka 'The Oatmeal,' a former web designer turned comic artist. You can see more of his work on The Oatmeal. Matthew is a one man operation, so be sure to check out posters and prints from his shop.
Oh, and Matthew wants you to know that if you enjoyed this comic, you might like the one about how to use semicolons as well:
Free apps install spyware on Macs
Free apps install spyware on Macs: "Spyware is downloaded along with free Mac OSX screensavers and an app, says Intego."