Paper-Thin Securities -
Paper-Thin Securities -
"SIV sponsors may not be specifically liable for the performance of the ABCP issued, but they may suffer reputational risk if they do not repay investors. Therefore, a large commercial bank involved in a failing SIV may have more incentive to repay investors, compared with a small hedge-fund or investment company specifically set up for this type of arbitrage.
It would be seen as bad business if a large, well-known bank let investors, who thought their money was safe in a cash-like asset, lose money on an ABCP investment."
This article is from, the Web's largest site dedicated to financial education.
It's amazing that in the game of GLOBAL DOMINATION, one can have your adversaries pay for the tools of their own demise.
the sub-prime debt-siphon has in effect financed the Iraq war by the very opponents of such endeavour
... a truly audacious and brazen shell-game to make any grifter proud..... hats off to the engineers of this one !!
"SIV sponsors may not be specifically liable for the performance of the ABCP issued, but they may suffer reputational risk if they do not repay investors. Therefore, a large commercial bank involved in a failing SIV may have more incentive to repay investors, compared with a small hedge-fund or investment company specifically set up for this type of arbitrage.
It would be seen as bad business if a large, well-known bank let investors, who thought their money was safe in a cash-like asset, lose money on an ABCP investment."
This article is from, the Web's largest site dedicated to financial education.
It's amazing that in the game of GLOBAL DOMINATION, one can have your adversaries pay for the tools of their own demise.
the sub-prime debt-siphon has in effect financed the Iraq war by the very opponents of such endeavour
... a truly audacious and brazen shell-game to make any grifter proud..... hats off to the engineers of this one !!
Labels: MONEY FINANCIAL, strange stories
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